Spongiae has a stable release
Spongiae, our library to read various file formats, is still in active development. However, it is already used by our other projects (Elefas, Exilis, Castor, ...) and it had become difficult to add new features without having impact on these tools.
From now we decided to rename the branch used by other tools as 1.x, and consider it as stable, almost for the API: if you use it in your programs, you are now almost sure that next version will not break them as long as you stay in branch 1.x
It can still add new features (we added better compatibility with OmegaT) but only if we are sure that they do not break compatibility. In case there can be any doubt, now new features go to branch 2.x
Minor changes will be published directly in this post (replacing the links, and without any notification) rather than in a new one. Last change on 2023-AUGUST-28.
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