Cyclotis in Omega-T : project mode versus memory mode
Cyclotis can be used either as a distant memory, or as a project memory (alternative to project_save.tmx). Which mode is better?
Even if it is not a strict rule, you should use project mode only between people having exactly the same files in the sources/ directory. Do not forget that when two segments are identical, by default Omega-T registers only the last translation. If you do not follow this rule, you may discover that some segments of your project are already translated but with something totally irrelevant for the specific context you are in. And if you modify it, do not forget that you will modify other people's work at the same time!
So, you can use the project mode exaclty as you may have used the SVN or Git inside Omega-T. The only difference is that with Cyclotis the synchronization occurs each time you go to another segment, not after every save. As a consequence the risk of conflict is very limited, because if your colleague modified a segment, you immediately see it.
But now, imagine a different situation: you are translating something about computers, and you know that one of your colleagues is also translating a document about the same theme. Maybe he started some hours before you. You cannot share the same project but since his one is longer, he may take profit of your translations as well as you can use his ones. For such a situation, before Cyclotis the solution you would have taken is to ask for his project_save.tmx and copy it inside tm/ directory. The memory mode is an equivalent to this, except that you will receive always the more recent translations without the need of a manual synchronization. As for tmx files, it is perfectly possible to connect to several server-based memories at the same time (the plugin is even optimized for that). So, instead of one memory per project, you should create memories by thematic or depending on the workflow of your organization. But do not forget that Cyclotis memories are supposed to be temprorary: they can become very slow if you enter too many segments. So, if you want to reuse a memory, please clean it from the segments which were already sent to your permanent memory storage, if you have one.